Welcome to TradeStation’s WebAPI!

TradeStation’s WebAPI is a portal for integrating third-party trading applications to access real-time and historical market data, fast order-execution capabilities, and account and position information. It also allows your trading application or device to run independently from the TradeStation platform while still taking advantage of a wealth of information.

To request access, please see our WebAPI Product Page.

Because of its flexibility and simplicity, the TradeStation WebAPI is an ideal solution for lightweight applications and enables third-party partners to create dynamic web, mobile or stand-alone trading applications. As a collection of RESTful web services, the API allows integration using a variety of programming languages such as C#, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby or any language that can access the Internet.

Why WebAPI?

Whether you’re an independent trader, small development company or financial institution, our WebAPI allows for a broad range of integration.

The TradeStation Web API supports Equities, Equities Options and Futures – making it an ideal solution for your trading application to integrate trade functionality into a signal-based system, scan for new ideas or just simply analyze your account performance. Once you plug in your program and trading ideas, you can be confident that you will get lightning fast access to the financial data you need for your core app. What’s your trading idea?

Industry Leading Support.

TradeStation WebAPI is backed by complete documentation and dedicated support for our clients:

Is the WebAPI right for you?

To request access, please see our WebAPI Product Page.